Fix a course on a star and you’ll reach your destination and navigate any storm.
Leonardo daVinci.
Nichols Liu lawyers spun out from two AmLaw 100 firms to pursue a shared destination: to be the leading government contracts firm in the United States.
Our guiding star is total client satisfaction. We get there by attracting and supporting highly-talented professionals who are dedicated to excellence and who enjoy working together.
Focusing on clients, people, and culture – it’s a different way to run a law firm!
Nichols Liu is committed to the highest social, ethical, and environmental standards. We don’t just talk about values. Collectively, our team has contributed thousands of hours in pro bono legal services to assist those in need: veterans, the homeless, those seeking justice in the criminal system including individuals wrongfully put on death row, abused and neglected children, children in need of education services, and those fighting for basic civil rights.
A unique feature of our pro bono program is our “Boots on the Ground” initiative. Working with our international development clients, we offer our associates week-long legal assignments at a client site. Projects might include conducting an investigation, negotiating contract terms with a local partner, or providing compliance training – all on a pro bono basis.
At Nichols Liu, we believe that excellence in the practice of law knows no racial, ethnic, gender, religious, sexual orientation, or other boundaries. Our professionals bring a wide variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and life experiences to our practice. We actively recruit diverse lawyers and staff. As importantly, we focus on retaining, developing, and promoting a diverse group of people as we advance the interests of our clients, our practice, and our profession. And, outside the firm, we support and are leaders in organizations that promote diversity. Our professionals serve as board members for non-profit organizations dedicated to advancing civil rights and other philanthropic causes.
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